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Renzetti Custom Saltwater Traveler 2300 Fly Tying Vise w/Black Streamer Pedestal Base and Material Clip



The Renzetti Saltwater Traveler 2300 Series Vise w/Streamer Pedestal Base offers a material clip and a spinning attachment in addition to the same features as the Traveler 2300 Series.

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The Renzetti Saltwater Traveler 2300 Fly Tying Vise w/Black Streamer Pedestal Base and Material Clip for hooks #4 to 8/0.

The Saltwater Traveler Series offers a material clip and a spinning attachment in addition to the same features as the Traveler 2300 Series.

Converting a Saltwater Traveler to a Traveler Series is simple. Just add a Traveler Rotary Bent Shaft and a set of Traveler Cam Jaws (for hooks #4 to 8/0). Switch bent shafts out as needed. When ordering specify right-handed or left-handed.

Renzetti Saltwater Traveler 2300 Fly Tying Vise w/Streamer Pedestal Base and Material Clip, item number SC2301

***This is a custom vise combo for MRO with the black streamer base.  Totally black it out?  Why Not?!?***

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